Whole Cloves for Indian cooking

What are cloves?

Cloves are the dried, unopened flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum — an evergreen tree in the myrtle family. Cloves originated in Indonesia, and are now used in many cuisines around the world. A key component of many spice blends, you will find cloves in Indian garam masala, Chinese five-spice, French quatre epices and some versions of Middle Eastern ras el hanout. Cloves can be used in both whole and ground form, and used in both sweet and savory dishes.

What do cloves look like?

Whole cloves are dark brown in color and resemble small nails – in fact, according to The Spice Bible, cloves are named from the Latin clavus, which means “nail”. When cloves are ground, the resulting powder retains the rich, dark brown color.

What do cloves taste like?

Cloves have a warm, woody aroma and have a sweet yet spicy/peppery taste. Cloves are quite a strong, fragrant spice so you only need one or two to impart a good amount of its flavor. If you buy a small bottle it will go a long way. If you’re interested in how different spices flavor an Indian dish, read more on the 6 Key Elements of Taste in Indian Cuisine.

McCormick Gourmet Blend Whole Cloves

Leading brands like McCormick carry whole cloves

What are the nutritional benefits of cloves?

The most notable benefit of cloves is related to dental care. The germicidal properties of clove oil make it very effective for relieving toothache, sore gums and mouth ulcers.  To alleviate discomfort, essential oil is applied to the affected area.  As a result, clove oil is added to numerous dental products and medications, including mouthwash and toothpaste. Cloves also have antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties, and act as a digestive aid. They are effective in stomach related problems such as hiccups, indigestion, motion sickness, and flatulence.  As a result, cloves are prominently found in Indian recipes for its distinct flavor as well as its beneficial impact on digestion.

How can I use cloves in cooking?

You might already have whole cloves in your cupboard for baking or for making mulled apple cider, but cloves can be used much more broadly, especially in a variety of Indian dishes. Cloves are one of the key whole spices you need for basic Indian cooking — they are often added, along with cinnamon sticks and green cardamom pods, when sauteing onions, garlic and ginger in oil. As soon as the dish is finished and you’re ready to serve it, it’s best to remove them so you don’t get a whole clove in your mouth as you’re eating it.

Which Big Apple Curry recipes feature cloves?

Cloves can be used in cooking the following authentic Indian dishes:

Basmati Rice with Saffron and Whole Spices
Lamb Keema with Potatoes and Sweet Green Peas
Paneer with Sweet Green Peas and Whole Spices

The 5-10-5 Rule

To make a variety of authentic Indian dishes at home, you need a few key things in your pantry and fridge. In the course of teaching my husband Sean the basics of Indian cooking, I created The 5-10-5 Rule – a useful cheat sheet on the main aromatics, ground spices, whole spices, and herbs you need in your kitchen.

Key Whole Spices in Indian Cooking

If you have 5 basic whole spices in your cupboard you can make a variety of Indian dishes at home. Cumin seeds are at the bottom right, in addition to green cardamom, whole cloves, black mustard seeds, and cinnamon stick.